
FREE Bus Rides Downvalley from Aspen on New Years Eve
Ring in the New Year responsibly! RFTA will be offering FREE rides downvalley from Aspen between 8:15 pm and 2:17 am on New Year’s Eve!

The New Now More User-Friendly and Accessible!
We have updated our website! Check out some of the upgraded features of this new website: Mobile Responsive Design – Whether you’re on a

We need your thoughts and ideas to improve transportation and parking in Aspen!
The City of Aspen and its partners manage a transportation and parking system that helps us—Aspen’s residents, workforce, and visitors—get where we need to go.

The RFTA Winter Service Schedules Begin Monday, November 20, 2023
Plan your commute changes accordingly and preview the RFTA WINTER schedules below. PREVIEW SCHEDULES NOW: Roaring Fork Valley Local (L) Schedule VelociRFTA Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Schedule

Sign up for RFTA service alerts
Detours. Trip Cancelations. Weather delays. What’s the best way to know what’s happening on your bus route? Sign-up for email or text Service Alerts from

E-Bikes Are Now Allowed on RFTA Bus Bike Racks
Please keep in mind the following: Bikes must be under 75 lbs. Fat Bikes, bikes with child carriers/panniers, bike trailers/burleys & Xtra-cycle cargo bikes are

Attention Commuters! Survey opportunity to weigh in on a potential new trail connection.
The trail section between the AABC and the Brush Creek Park and Ride is a significant gap in Pitkin County’s extensive trail system. Pitkin County

Tips on Transportation for Daycares, Camps, Preschools, Schools and Other Groups. RFTA is happy to provide transportation for groups on all of our regular routes,

Riding your bike or riding RFTA are great ways to cut down on your carbon emissions and get yourself outside, that’s why we are celebrating

Construction starts May 15th on Brush Creek Park & Ride project
A reduced number of parking spaces in a temporary lot will be available at the Brush Creek Park & Ride, or intercept lot, this summer.

27th Street Project – Pedestrian Underpass
The project includes traffic impacts in Glenwood Springs, reconfiguration of the Rio Grande Trail, drainage improvements and construction of two underpasses under 27th St and

Downtown Basalt Bus Stop Re-Opening
The Downtown Basalt bus stops will be re-opening. Service will resume as normal on Saturday, April 15th.