Plan your trip using our website, find stops and stations using our system map, buy passes, find route, schedule and fare information and look for information about all fare products, programs and services here on
- Find RFTA rider tools
- Find a bus using the RFTA BusTracker at
- Find routes, stops and stations with the system map
- Learn how to purchase RFTA passes and fares
By Telephone
Call The Rubey Park Transit Center for complete bus information. You can reach customer service at (970)925-8484. Rubey Park Transit Center is open seven days a week from 6:45am- 2:05am.
In Person
Visit The Rubey Park Transit Center in downtown Aspen to pick up schedules, system maps and passes or talk to a Customer Service Representative.
Schedules may look complicated, but once you become familiar with them, they’re really quite easy.
Here’s what you’ll find on a schedule:
- Route name
- List of major destinations (printed schedules only)
- Route map with major streets and destinations
- Departure and arrival times for major stops along the route, based on direction of travel and day of the week.
Tips for reading a schedule
- Determine the direction of travel and day of the week.
- Find the stop closest to where you want to catch the bus.
- Look down the column under that intersection to find departure times from that stop.
- Read horizontally along the line that lists your departure time to determine when you will arrive at your destination. If no arrival time or (—) is shown, then that particular bus does not stop there. Look at the lines above and below for a bus that does make that stop.
- To plan your return trip, look at the reverse direction of travel on the opposite side of the printed schedule and follow these same steps.
Find your bus stop by using our System Map or Make sure to arrive at least five minutes early to your bus stop. If you have a mobile device handy, you can access live bus information at
When you see a bus approaching, look at the destination sign above the front windshield to verify the route and direction.
The curb side of the bus is the safest place to be. Allow a few feet between yourself and the bus before attempting to board. If you plan to use the bus bike rack, alert the bus operator before you board and before you depart. Once onboard, be sure to keep your body and personal belongings out of the aisles and grab hold of handrails on full buses without vacant seats.
Bus operators can activate an electronic or manual ramp for passengers in wheelchairs. There is also a kneeling feature available to help persons with disabilities board.
RFTA Mobile Tickets lets you buy tickets and passes anytime from anywhere. Simply download the app and purchase tickets for immediate use or purchase in advance for future travel. It’s fast, easy, and available any time you’re on the go. Plus you save 25% every time you purchase single one-way or round-trip tickets.
Fareboxes on buses only accept exact cash fare, RFTA Stored Value Cards and 30-Day Zone Passes. These are available to avoid the hassle of cash fares and to help you save money on multiple rides (See also: Fare Information and How to use the Farebox).
Cash: Exact fare only. Bus Operators do not carry change. Sorry, no refunds.
Stored Value Cards: Insert your card into the card dispenser slot with the arrow facing you. This will automatically deduct the price of the current ride and print the remaining value on the back of the card.
30-Day Zone Pass: Upon first use, insert your card into the card dispenser slot with the arrow facing you. This will activate your card and print the activation and expiration date on the back of the card. This is important as your card is good for a 30-day period regardless of the beginning and ending of the calendar month. Once your card is activated, simply slide it through the card reader swipe with the magnetic stripe facing you.
Season Zone Passes: Clearly show your pass to the driver as you board.
Transfers: If you are transferring from another RFTA route, use a transfer as credit towards your bus fare. Please be sure to ask for transfers while loading the bus.
RFTA’s policy requires passengers to place and hold any bags, purses, luggage, strollers and other personal belongings in their lap or on the floor. Seating at the front of the bus has been designated for persons with disabilities and is the only area with wheelchair securements. RFTA requests that passengers vacate the seats in this area to accommodate a passenger with a disability. As a courtesy, passengers are asked to offer a seat to seniors and adults traveling with small children.
- Watch Children. If traveling with children, make sure they stay seated.
- Stand behind the yellow line. Stay seated whenever possible, but if the bus is full and you must stand, remain behind the yellow line. It’s the law! If you must stand, hold onto the handrails at all times.
- Keep aisles clear. Keep all personal belongings such as shopping bags or laptop cases out of the aisles. Strollers must be folded.
- Be careful during bad weather. Rain and snow call for extra caution. Wet floors can be slippery, so be sure to use handrails.
Stay alert so you know when your stop is approaching. If you’re not sure when to get off the bus, sit close to the front and ask the driver to call out your stop.
Signal the driver you want to get off the bus about one block before you reach your stop. Depending on the type of bus you’re riding, you can signal the driver by one of the following methods:
- Pulling the cord that runs above the windows.
- Pushing the button on the ceiling of the bus above your seat.
The “Stop Requested” sign at the front of the bus will light up when you have activated the signal. When the bus stops, exit through the rear door if the bus has two doors. Wait until the bus pulls away so you can see traffic clearly before crossing the street. Do not cross in front of the bus.

The intent of this code is to ensure the safe operation of RFTA services and facilities. Violations of this code along with the violation of any RFTA policy, procedure or direction by RFTA employees are subject to suspension of service as outlined by the RFTA Suspension Policy. RFTA is aware that some behaviors that might violate this policy may be the result of involuntary behavior resulting from a disability; accordingly, each potential violation will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
- All RFTA buses and facilities are under video and audio surveillance.
- Drivers have the right to refuse service to intoxicated or problematic persons.
- Stay clear of the doors until they are opened
- Do no cross the street in front of a bus after exiting the vehicle
- Report suspicious packages or behavior to the bus driver
- Have your correct fare ready
Code of Conduct
- No illegal activity on RFTA buses or property,
- Passengers must follow bus operator directions and all RFTA policies and applicable, RFTA rules and regulations,
- No consumption of alcohol or open alcohol containers,
- No fare evasion,
- No littering on the bus,
- No disrupting the safe operation of bus or bus operator duties,
- No disruptive or abusive behavior or language on RFTA buses or on RFTA property,
- No loitering on RFTA property,
- No vandalism of any kind on RFTA buses or properly,
- No shouting or talking loudly; including on cell phones,
- Strollers must be collapsible and must be stowed while riding,
- Riders must maintain safe personal hygiene,
- Shoes, shirts and bottoms are required; no roller skates.